Sunday, November 9, 2008

Watermelon, Tomatoes, and Emmy Lou

Her name is Emmy Lou! She's a 12 year old black lab who has lives in McCormick, SC! We're lucky that she chose to live with us. One thing we discovered a long time ago is that people love dogs - especially nice calm ones who don't bark or jump up on them. Emmy learned early in her real estate career how to just sit and be pretty. And she's as faithful of a partner as anyone could want! How does this work for us with our business here in McCormick? Well . . .

  • Year after year, Emmy sells and sells and sells. Since dogs don't have to be licensed or take classes to be re certified, she's very cost effective.

  • Pro: We don't have to provide a computer for her. Con: She can't answer the telephone.

  • Emmy is featured on our web site; matter of fact, folks contact us and tell us they picked us because they figured that anyone who likes animals must be okay! No sitting fees or other charges for her - just a pat on the head and a hug suffices!

  • In this days of changing markets, home foreclosure, and technology challenges, Emmy just sits on her pillow and enjoys life. There's something to be said for that!

  • She's great at keeping the deer and squirrels away while we are showing waterfront, golf, and interior lots and acreage here on on the lake on South Carolina's 'Freshwater Coast' in McCormick. We're all reassured by her presence - no charge!

  • Networking is her speciality. She's great at working a large group.
  • And she loves watermelon and tomatoes! What else would you expect from a South Carolina dog?

Dogs selling real estate? Seriously, most animals need care and love and many don't get it. The Humane Society of McCormick is a local organization that provides that very needed service in McCormick County. Volunteers care for animals that would otherwise have no care - for dogs that are not as lucky as Emmy Lou. Currently, the McCormick County Humane Society is participating in the Shelter Challenge. Currently, we are #1 in SC and #10 in the nation. Please take time to go online and vote for McCormick County! Thanks!!!

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